Athora Mainfirst Glb Eq. Unconstrained
Athora Mainfirst Glb Eq. Unconstrained
Athora iShares MSCI World Index Fund
Athora Mainfirst Glb Eq. Unconstrained
Naam Datum Koers YTD
Athora Mainfirst Glb Eq. UnconstrainedAthora / Tak-2302/0750,23eur+24,4%
Athora Echiquier World Equity GrowthAthora / Tak-2302/0742,70eur+16,6%
Athora iShares MSCI World Index FundAthora / Tak-2302/0733,44eur+14,2%
Athora Fidelity World FundAthora / Tak-2302/0746,41eur+11,3%
Athora Fundsmith Global EquityAthora / Tak-2302/0726,84eur+11,1%
Athora Universal Invest HighAthora / Tak-2302/0736,16eur+10,7%
Athora N1 Emerging Stars EquityAthora / Tak-2302/0719,56eur+10,7%
Athora JPM Global HealthcareAthora / Tak-2302/0727,58eur+10,6%
Athora Shelter Max Conviction BalancedAthora / Tak-2302/0727,77eur+9,0%
Athora MFP Ethical Choice Fund BAthora / Tak-2302/0730,02eur+9,0%
Athora Merclin II PatrimoniumAthora / Tak-2302/0736,72eur+8,8%
Athora N1 Climate & EnvironmentAthora / Tak-2302/0742,66eur+8,6%
Athora World OpportunitiesAthora / Tak-2302/0738,34eur+8,4%
Athora Rothschild R-ValorAthora / Tak-2302/0737,10eur+8,0%
Athora Pictet Global Megatrend Select PAthora / Tak-2302/0733,47eur+7,7%
Athora Capital Group Glb Alloc.Athora / Tak-2302/0727,10eur+7,3%
Athora Global ValueAthora / Tak-2302/0726,82eur+7,0%
Athora Comgest Growth EuropeAthora / Tak-2302/0729,40eur+6,9%
Athora Carmignac PatrimoineAthora / Tak-2302/0724,29eur+6,6%
Athora Universal Invest MediumAthora / Tak-2302/0730,07eur+6,4%
Athora Robeco Sustainable WaterAthora / Tak-2302/0728,05eur+5,6%
Athora CPR Silver AgeAthora / Tak-2302/0731,36eur+5,5%
Athora Trusteam ROC AAthora / Tak-2302/0731,05eur+5,5%
Athora DNCA Invest Beyond Semperosa AAthora / Tak-2302/0733,41eur+5,2%
Athora Carmignac Patrimoine EuropeAthora / Tak-2302/0724,09eur+5,0%
Athora Ethna DynamischAthora / Tak-2302/0728,64eur+4,2%
Athora FFG Global Flexible SustainableAthora / Tak-2302/0727,37eur+4,1%
Athora Flossbach Multiple Opps. IIAthora / Tak-2302/0732,73eur+3,9%
Athora Orcadia Glb Sust. BalancedAthora / Tak-2302/0725,05eur+3,6%
Athora Ethna AktivAthora / Tak-2302/0726,57eur+3,6%
Athora Blackrock China BondsAthora / Tak-2302/0722,80eur+3,2%
Athora Keren PatrimoineAthora / Tak-2302/0727,26eur+2,9%
Athora Universal Invest LowAthora / Tak-2302/0725,46eur+2,8%
Athora M&G Dynamic AllocationAthora / Tak-2302/0728,41eur+2,2%
Athora Carmignac Ptf Emerg Patrim.Athora / Tak-2302/0727,64eur+2,1%
Athora Senior Homes Care Invest AAthora / Tak-2328/0338,76eur+2,0%
Athora Euro LiquidityAthora / Tak-2302/0724,70eur+1,9%
Athora Lazard Patrimoine Opportunities SRIAthora / Tak-2302/0726,25eur+1,7%
Athora GF FidélitéAthora / Tak-2302/0723,25eur+1,3%
Athora Echiquier ArtyAthora / Tak-2302/0727,11eur+1,2%
Athora DNCA Invest MiuriAthora / Tak-2302/0724,42eur+1,0%
Athora M&G Glb Listed InfrastructureAthora / Tak-2302/0731,50eur+0,7%
Athora DNCA Invest EuroseAthora / Tak-2302/0726,79eur+0,3%
Athora Lazard Credit OppsAthora / Tak-2302/0724,38eur+0,3%
Athora Pimco GIS Diversified IncomeAthora / Tak-2302/0722,32eur+0,2%
Athora Care Invest IIAthora / Tak-2328/0328,40eur+0,0%
Athora Carmignac Global BondsAthora / Tak-2302/0725,66eur-1,1%
Athora Amiral Sextant Grand LargeAthora / Tak-2302/0727,35eur-1,7%
Athora Real Estate SecuritiesAthora / Tak-2302/0736,57eur-1,8%
Athora M&G Optimal IncomeAthora / Tak-2302/0724,15eur-2,2%
Athora N1 Stable ReturnAthora / Tak-2302/0723,71eur-2,9%
Athora Echiquier World Next LeadersAthora / Tak-2302/0713,73eur-4,1%
Athora Funds For Good CleantechAthora / Tak-2302/0738,17eur-5,7%
Athora Flex ImmoAthora / Tak-2302/0717,76eur-7,5%
Athora Schroders Glb Energy Transit.Athora / Tak-2302/0717,79eur-11,0%
Athora Amundi S&P 500 ESG Index FundAthora / Tak-2302/0728,80eur- 
Athora JH Global Sust EquityAthora / Tak-2302/0728,88eur- 
Athora Nagelm. Equity Small & Mid-CapAthora / Tak-2302/0725,73eur- 


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